Trap Rewards
Stash House Loyalty Program
Our loyalty program, Trap Rewards, is designed to enhance your shopping experience even further. With Trap Rewards, you earn 1 point for every $1 you spend, making it one of the most generous loyalty programs in the industry. But the benefits don’t stop there!
As a Trap Rewards member, you’ll gain access to exclusive deals, special promotions, and members-only events. Whether it’s a limited-time discount, early access to new products, or special giveaways, our Trap Rewards program ensures that our loyal customers always receive the best value and unique perks.
Join us and see how quickly your savings add up, making Stash House your go-to destination for all your cannabis needs!
Elevate your Cannabis Experience
Seamless Ordering Process
Browse our extensive inventory, select your favorite products, and complete your purchase with ease, all from the comfort of your own home. Join us today and discover a new standard of convenience in cannabis shopping.